
Increasing Kingdom Values

by Perry Holley

I was recently speaking with some friends at a Proskuneo event where we were helping with the setup and materials distribution when one of my friends commented how much she enjoyed the Kingdom Values Series CD’s. This caused my ears to perk up since I had played a major role in helping to get that project off the ground. My role had been to develop the message and teaching points while Josh focused on developing the music that would support the teaching.

Just about the time that my head was beginning to swell with pride my friend commented, “Yes, I like to fast forward through the teaching so I can get to these really great songs.” That hissing sound you hear is the air escaping from my balloon sized head. “Skip the teaching???” I exclaimed. What could this person be thinking?? She quickly explained that she did listen to the teaching, but there are times when a person just wants to listen to Josh sing and play. I’m down with that! Confession: I do that too ☺

The Kingdom Values Series

If you are not familiar with the Proskuneo offering called “The Kingdom Values Series” (KVS) I encourage you to give them a try. This project was a special offering from Proskuneo to address the challenges of life and especially the challenges of the Christian life. Proskuneo is not just about leading worship. Proskuneo is also about developing better worshippers. Part of the process that we all go through as believers is the process of personal growth and development and dealing with the challenges that life puts before us. To be effective in life and ministry and worship we each need to take an intentional approach to personal improvement in the areas where we struggle the most.
These CDs were designed to provide a teaching message around an important value of the Christian life, with songs written and performed by Josh and the Proskuneo team that help complete the teaching. Each CD runs roughly 45 minutes and contains 3 to 5 songs each. The first three topics that we chose to address were topics that each of us have struggled with at one time or another.


The first release in the series was titled, “Time”. The focus of this lesson is to remind us all that time is a gift from God and controlled by God. I know for me personally that a large obstacle to my effectiveness in ministry and in worship is often how I view and use my time.


The second release covered the topic of diligence and how God plans for us to run the race and finish well. Once again, the lack of diligence in one’s life can become a deterrent to being all God expects us to be in ministry and worship. We all have great intentions, but what actually gets done is what we diligently pursue.


The third offering in the Kingdom Values Series really captured for me one of the most difficult areas of Christian living and that is the ability to surrender daily to the will and direction of the Lord. This lesson and the music that accompanies it specifically address what it means to live a life of daily surrender and the ways that true surrender deepens the worship of our Lord.

In the coming weeks and months we anticipate additional titles to increase the library of KVS lessons. Next up is “Hope”. In these trying times of global recession and terrorism it is important for all believers to remember where their hope lies. I “hope” you will stay connected with The Kingdom Values Series and all Proskuneo offerings so you can grow and develop in all the ways God intends for you.

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