We are a multicultural, Jesus-centered worshiping community.
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb…”
Revelation 7:9 gives us a clear picture of people from every tribe, language and nation gathered around the throne of Jesus. And yet we find that here on earth, churches are often segregated by race, age, language, denomination, and style. We believe that Jesus deserves to be the Unifier of His Church and that He is worthy of diverse, united praise.
In 2001, Proskuneo Ministries was founded with the vision to bring nations together in worship. (Proskuneo is the Greek word for worship, meaning to bow down or kiss towards.)
Since then, we have launched Proskuneo Worship Institute, moved to Clarkston, GA (one of the most diverse square miles in the USA), and opened the Proskuneo School of the Arts to provide free and low-cost arts training. We have produced dozens of music albums and resources, trained thousands of people in cross-cultural competencies, and led hundreds of thousands of people in multilingual worship.
Our goal is to help the Body of Christ see, live, and share the vision of multicultural, Jesus-centered worshiping communities among all peoples, on earth as in heaven.
To learn more about multicultural worship, watch the video below…