
We rely entirely on God’s provision of money and resources through His people, and we are committed to being careful stewards of what He gives. We are a 501(c)3 organization, and your gifts to our ministry are tax deductible.

Please consider giving in one of these ways:

(#1) BECOME PART OF OUR DREAM TEAM! A large part of our operating budget is currently supported by regular monthly givers. Our modest operating budget includes everything from office supplies and incorporation fees to ministry expenses. To join our DREAM TEAM, pledge an ongoing, monthly gift of $25, $50, or $100. These monthly commitments help us greatly, enabling us to budget and plan! 

(#2) PARTNER WITH ONE OF OUR STAFF MEMBERS DIRECTLY! Each of our staff members needs partners to invest in their ministry by giving monthly. If that is your desire, click the DONATE button, select the name of a staff member, and then check the “Make This Recurring (Monthly)” box.



OR SEND A CHECK to: Proskuneo Ministries [PO Box 1237 Clarkston, GA 30021]

View our privacy policy here.

2 thoughts on “Give

  1. I gave to Abraham Deng a token of gratitude for the song “With One Heart/Un Corazon.” Three years ago I was part of the worship team for a beautiful multicultural church and we loved to sing that song. The Lord released the members of that church into new ministries in 2014. I always wanted to donate to Proskuneo for the song but finances were tight but I never forgot. May the Lord bless your beautiful ministry and the resources you provide for multicultural worship.

    1. Lydia, thank you for remembering us. This means so very much to us, and your partnership with Abraham will bless many people through his ministry. Happy new year to you! May this next year bring you many opportunities to worship Jesus with brothers and sisters from all over the world.

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