In All

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Before one God we bow
Upon one grace we stand
And by one faith we live and move and breathe

Unto one hope we’re called
One Body we’ve become
And of one Spirit we all come to drink

Solo hay un Dios. There is one God
Il y a un Dieu. There is one God

Of all, in all, through all, over all You are forever!
Of all, in all, through all, over all You are forever!

SPANISH: (counter-melody)
Eres digno, Soberano Dios, por siempre
Eres digno, Soberano Dios, por siempre

De tous, en tous, sur tous, parmi tous, Tu es, pour toujours
De tous, en tous, sur tous, parmi tous, Tu es, pour toujours

Written by Joshua S. Davis and Grace Funderburgh

© 2018 Proskuneo Ministries, Inc.


Jalali Yesu & Yesu Azali Awa


In One Name